Norwich, angolok, kis tudomány

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Új szemeszter

2008.09.22. 23:00 Biodorci

"Becsöngettek." A helyi egyetemen ma kezdődött el az őszi szemeszter. A University of East Anglia (UEA) viszonylag fiatal intézmény, 1963-ban nyitotta meg kapuit egy ideiglenes helyen, míg az Earlham Golfpálya helyén el nem készültek az első épületek. Jelenleg a brit egyetemek rangsorában a 20-22. helyen található.











  • Nearly 15,000 students - over 11,000 undergraduates and more than 3,000 postgraduates
  • Over 2,500 non UK students from more than 100 countries worldwide
  • Former students include Booker Prize winning authors Ian McEwan and Kazuo Ishiguro; comedy writers and performers Charlie Higson, Arthur Smith and Paul Whitehouse; explorer Benedict Allen; meteorologist Penny Tranter; actors Jack Davenport, James Frain and Tim Bentinck; and BBC Radio's Jenny Abramsky.


  • 2,966 staff - 1,900 full-time and 1,066 part-time
  • Academic staff - 1,043
  • Research - 359
  • Admin - 389
  • Support staff - 620
  • Technical - 185
  • General - 370


  • A choice of over 300 courses offered through 23 Schools of Study. Over 160 evening and day courses for local people, offered in locations throughout Norfolk - including the award-winning Science Starter programme.


  • Located two miles outside Norwich city centre in 320 acres of parkland
  • Award-winning architecture by Sir Denys Lasdun, Lord (Norman) Foster and Rick Mather
  • Home to the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts housing the Sainsbury Collection, combining modern Western works with fine and applied arts from across the globe
  • Multi-million pound Sportspark, including a 50m competition swimming pool, a climbing wall, fitness centre and a human performance laboratory
  • Over 3,000 student residences


  • A leading member of the Norwich Research Park (NRP), a powerful co-operative including the John Innes Centre, the Institute of Food Research, the Sainsbury Laboratory and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust. The NRP has 6,500 staff and over 900 postgraduate research science students
  • Strong links with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust and other health providers, in all aspects of bio-medical research involving UEA's Schools of Health, Biological Sciences and Environmental Sciences.

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