Norwich, angolok, kis tudomány

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London maraton

2009.04.26. 20:51 Biodorci

Minden évben áprilisban rendezik meg a London maratont, ami az utcai futóversenyek egyik legrangosabbika. Chris Brasher olimpiai bajnok az 1979-es New York maraton teljesítése után határozta el, hogy Nagy-Britanniának is szüksége van egy hasonló sporteseményre. Két évvel később 1981-ben rajtoltak el az első London maratonisták. Azóta londoni verseny alaposan kinőtte magát, hiszen Bostonnal, Berlinnel, Chicagoval és New Yorkkal együtt az öt legnevesebb maraton egyike (World Marathon Majors).

Eredmények 2009:



Kurt Fearnley (Aus) 1:28:56 David Weir (GB) 1:28:57 Ernst Van Dyk (RSA) 1:28:59


Amanda McGrory (USA) 1:50:39 Sandra Graf (SUI) 1:50:40 Diane Roy (CAN) 1:50:41



1. Sammy Wanjiru (KEN) 2hrs 05 mins 10 sec
2. Tsegaye Kebede (ETH) 2:05:20
3. Jaouad Gharib (MAR) 2:05:27


1. Irina Miktenko (GER) 2hrs 22mins 11sec
2. Mara Yamauchi (GBR) 2:23:12
3. Liliya Shobukova (RUS) 2:24:24



1. You have done your training, be determined that you will finish. Don’t give up unless you have an injury. Your mind will play games but don’t let it win!

2. Taper down well in the last week. It is better to go into the race under trained than over trained. In the former you can always find energy from somewhere. Over trained, once you've gone, you've gone!

3. Check out your gear carefully. Lay it out 3 or 4 days before the race. Then you know you haven't forgotten anything.

4. Have a run (gentle!) the day before the race. Two or three miles will not deplete your energy reserves and it will relieve any tension or any pre-race apprehension you may be having.

5. Get a good book to read the night before the race or the morning of the race. It will stop your mind dwelling on the task ahead.

6. Eat a balanced meal the night before the race. This would normally include protein, carbohydrate and some fat. A nice dessert would be fine.

7. Tape up and grease. Surgical tape on nipples (male and female) and vaseline between the legs, under the arms and maybe on toes, if you are blister prone.

9. Shower and soap down the morning of a marathon. It removes body oils and helps the body stay cool, which is important to prevent premature dehydration.

10. Split the race into chunks. 5 miles or 5 km's, so that you feel you are making progress.

11. Stick to an even pace you know you can finish in. Wear a watch and don't get distracted in the excitement. Back markers start your watch as you cross the start line, as you will then know your true time for the distance.

12. Carefully plan your route and timing to the start, so you don't end up rushing or panicking.


1. Don't get carried away in the excitement of the start, run too fast and "die" at some stage. It is always better to be passing people after half way than be constantly over taken. Stick to your 'pace'.

2. Don't be on your feet all day the day before the race sight seeing or shopping. It’s easily done at the big city events, especially if you go with a partner. Take it easy the day before.

3. Don't wear any new gear especially shoes. All of your stuff should be tested and tried in the days before the race.

4. Don't over hydrate before and during the race. You should sip water at every stop but not to excess. Never try glucose supplements if you’ve not used them before in training.


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