Nem tudom, a bundás kenyér hungarikumnak számított valaha is, de a világ ezen a felén French toastként ismerik (wikipedia szerint az "eggy bread" is jó). Mondjuk az édes változattól először ledöbbentem, de az is finom.
"The cooked slices can be served with a variety of toppings, including jam, butter, peanut butter, honey,Marmite, vegemite, maple syrup, fruit syrup, molasses, apple sauce, beans, beef, lard, whipped cream, fruit, tomato sauce (when powdered sugar/sugar is not used), chocolate, sugar, yogurt, powered sugar, marmalade, bacon, duck fat (in Northern Ireland), treacle, cheese (often with ham), gravy or various nuts such as pecans. Heating the oil/butter with chopped garlic, chillies or onions is an effective way to add extra flavor to the dish."