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Ez égő

2008.01.24. 22:53 Biodorci

Megint egy új nap, megint tanultunk valamit. Jövök haza este fáradtan munka után, villany felolt, pukk, sötétség. Faja. Kiment az égő. Persze tartalék sehol, szóval irány a bolt. Előtte még, gondoltam, a biztonság kedvéért kicsavarom a villanykörtét, hogy megnézzem, mit bír ki a foglalat. Fel a létrára, tekerem erre, tekerem arra, egy adag kínlódás (nőből vagyok, nem szívesen matatok elektromos dolgokon). Hát nem nagyon akart söndörödni, pöndörödni, de valahogy csak a kezemben maradt a végén. Először azt hittem, kitörtem az egészet úgy, ahogy van. Aztán rájöttem, hogy nem, csak itt szokás szerint abnormális minden. Vagyis az én lámpámba úgynevezett bayonet mount foglalatú égő való.

Amint látszik, a megszokott csavarmenet helyett csak két kiálló pöcök van a körtén. A másik kép meg az illeszkedés módját ábrázolná. Igazából nem annyira bonyolult, de sötétben azért emlegettem bizonyos dolgokat, mire bevarázsoltam az égőt a helyére, de működik.

A bayonet mount






Feszültségoldónak egy-két agyament angol vicc a villanykörtés-becsavarós fajtából. :)

Q: How many Cluedo suspects does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Colonel Mustard. In the dining room. With the ladder.

Q: How many shop assistants does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Have you got a receipt? 'Cause if you haven't got a receipt I can't change it, and even with a receipt I need to get the supervisor 'cause she's the only one who can do exchanges. If we haven't got a replacement bulb then I'll have to give you a credit note, 'cause we don't do refunds, on account it's not company policy, 'cause you'd be surprised how many people just bring in dud bulbs and say they got them here, 'cause they try it on don't they. Have you got a receipt? No? Supervisor to till four please. Supervisor to till four.

Q: How many librarians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: I don't know, but I can look it up for you.

Q: How many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb.
A: Just one, but you have to hear the tale first ...

Oh a Frog he did a courtin' go
To call upon Miss Mouse.
But she was a wailin' when
He arrived upon her house.

"Oh kind sir Frog" she cried
"I'm troubled here this night.
For my only bulb has blown,
And I am without the light."

"Fear ye not,Miss Mouse" he said,
And like a soaring rocket
He leaped up upon the nearest chair
To grab the faulty socket.

Alas for Frog the power was on,
Miss Mouse had no time to tell.
Oh the Froggy shone in a shower of sparks
As he bade this world farewell.

Poor Miss Mouse, at first aghast,
Soon overcame her fright.
And served up such a tasty meal
Of frogs legs by candlelight.

Q: How many Irishmen does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Two. One to hold the bulb and the other to keep drinking until the room starts spinning.

Q: How many mechanics does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: ( Sharp intake of breath ) Difficult to say, mate. That fixture's going to need replacing, the wirings shot, and it’s not your usual type of bulb, I haven’t seen one like that before. Come into the office and I’ll give you an estimate.

Q: How many bureaucrats does it take to screw in a lightbulb ?
A: Two. One to screw it in and one to screw it up.

Q: How many mystery writers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two. One to screw it almost all the way in, and the other to give it a surprising twist at the end.

Q: How many pot growers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, they use fluorescent bulbs instead.

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